My is Moses from Migori county.  I have an idea about chicken farming that can improve livelihoods.

Budget Breakdown (approx)

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Problem Statement

I have been doing business for a period of six years and I possess a vast experience in dealing with the projects within and beyond my community. Since the business I was in became flooded and realizing a good profit is just but slim it doomed on me to look for something that will at least push me to some success in future, I carried out extensive research and consultations on opportunities around and my soul rested in poultry farming and more so in egg production through starting a poultry project. Since Muhuru Bay, in Migori County eggs sell a higher rate and there is no one who has thought to grab this opportunity, I have seen it good to grab it for poultry farming and its products has extreme potential that should be exploited. My wish is that MavenCORE help me this dream come true.

Since the wheel that drives Kenyan economy is agriculture, and farming has a lot to offer, I have decided to venture into it through poultry farming by starting up a poultry project. Eggs are being consumed by a bigger population and this has made its demand to be very high. The egg price is pocket friendly that anybody can afford and this makes it a business worth investing in. Having enough experience in business gives me hop of succeeding in this and realizing my dreams.

Project Details

Poultry products more so eggs has a lot to give and quite a number grasps for it. Muhuru has a bigger population and egg consumption is very high but there is no stable supply hence the price is even going higher than the usual price per egg which ranges between Ksh.12 per egg and Ksh.15. leading to consumers being exploited by unscrupulous traders.

Day by day poultry farming is gaining momentum that youths and business oriented people should try and give it a short. My capital acquisition is to help start this project fully until it stands on its feet.

The project is expected to multiply steadily and at least double the number of birds (chicks) within a span of one year, hence creating job opportunities for unemployed Kenyan youths making them responsible and self dependent citizens rather than depending on alms and handouts.

Best egg laying chicken breed starts laying eggs at 16 – 17 weeks old making annual production 280 eggs per chicken. With the projection of 1200 chicks the need of customers will not be at stake but catered for appropriately.

The targeted customers are shop owners who buy from one to ten crates and sell them to consumers and egg vendors who boil eggs and sell on the streets, pubs and other public places.


If all chicken start laying with one egg per day which is 1200 eggs per day giving you 40 crates daily. Take the minimum price of 1 crate of eggs to be Ksh.280.00 daily income is expected at Ksh.11,200.

In case there is no drop in the daily production and harvest after 5 months the total amount realized will be approximated at Ksh.1,680,000.

Having done comprehensive evaluation it is destined to bring suitable profit which is extremely favorable to start with and help in aiding future expansion.

After putting all my efforts in making the required research about the project, it has come to my understanding that the more cash and attention you put and give towards it the more income generated, hence creating more job opportunity. In the process the income realized 20% I will give back to MavenCORE to help fund other projects and remaining part use to expand the project to the next level. After 1 ½ years I expect to expand this project from 1200 chickens to 2400chickens. When expansion happens the work load will be more and more work power needed and at least 10 people will be employed to lessen the work.

Project estimation and need is well laid out and easy for everyone to determine.


After putting up the structure and making everything ready, chicks included, the project will be managed by myself with the assistance of my wife and one employee. Vaccination and treatment of birds be done by a specialist (Veterinary officer).

The cash and cost I will receive will solely support the project for the first 18 months and after it peaks up the income generated will carry the project to the next level most likely its expansion.

In spite of all these bright hopes and ambitions I lack financial muscle needed to realize the project but I hope MavenCORE will help me to achieve sustainability through the project and bring development to the people of my community and the country at large.

Thanks for your kind support and consideration.


  • Clement

    Hello Moses,
    Based on my experience on poultry farming I would advice you to get a contract from one of the companies that deal with poultry e.g Ken-chick, pioneer, Bradegate and the likes. That way your are assured of a steady income as compared to waiting on market conditions which have become unpredictable due to the importation of poultry products from Uganda.
    All the best in your project

    Best regards

  • Moses

    The project is destined for a brighter future to the owner, youths, community members, Migori county and Kenya as a whole

  • George

    Good project but Uganda TZ poultry imports to the country is your Waterloo.you must crest a safety mechanism. Good luck

  • Kennedy

    I love chicken and any project concerning chicken is an idea that needs support. Good luck.

  • vincent

    Good project keep up the good work.

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