I have watched the suffering that kids go through when their parents die. I have also observed the resilience some of these children have. I want to start a project that gives them an opportunity in life.

Budget Breakdown (approx)


01. Chicken

Chicks 2000                            75.00                    150,000.00


Bricks 10,000                          9.00                         90.000.00
Sand 20 Trips                          10,000.00            2 00,000.00
Cement 200 bags                    950.00                 190,000.00
Corrugated iron sheets 20 pcs 1,200.00             24,000.00
wood 400 pcs                          200.00                    80,000.00
Labour charge                            (12 %)                  70,000.00

02. Chicken Feeds
Chick mash 164*50kg              29.00                   150,800.00
Grower mash 640*50kg           55.00               1,760,000.00
Layers mash 480*50kg            30.00                   720,000.00

03. VACCINES Assorted           50,000.00              50,000.00
04. CONTIGENCY                      5 %                       174,204.00

GRAND TOTAL                                                   3,658,284.00

We can connect you with the project owner if you would like to fund this project directly

Problem Statement

Bright Hope Faith Based Organization is a non-profit Organization with focus on working to help, support, care and support Orphans and Vulnerable Children living with HIV/AIDS. It is dedicated to promoting educational and health program for the Orphans and Vulnerable children living with HIV/AIDS who are in dire need. It also seeks to facilitate the Youths to initiate and create Income Generating Activities, and as we all as creating development initiatives to employ them. It started its operations to respond to the needs of OVC and Youths who were destitute because of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. We have currently identified a total of 1,846 OVC and Youths in need.

Project Details​

This is a project of poultry farming in Kenya specifically designed for chicken and egg production. It is planned to start with 2000 layer birds. The total project cost for the poultry farming activities shall be KSHS.3, 658,284 broken-down as KSHS.654, 080 for construction, KSHS.3, 004,204 for purchase of the chicks, poultry feeds, vaccines and drugs and other poultry accessories for  the first 18 months. There are also capacity building poultry farming activities like water and electric installations, administration costs and labor costs for 18 months. It is assumed that only 80 % of the expected production shall be realized per month for 12 months on average. The primary customers for eggs shall be prominent eggs traders within Siaya County. The minor customers shall be the eggs venders who usually boil 5 to 10 trays of eggs and vend them at the locally available pubs, market places and streets. By distributing the market, we can realize full poultry farming advantages from this project. The reason for the target market is that eggs production in Siaya County cannot meet the market demands.

To increase the sustainability of BRIGHT HOPE FAITH BASED ORGANIZATION, we hope to enable it continuously support its mission of BRINGING HOPE TO A HOPELESS CHILD!!! We do this through helping improve the Social Economic Welfare of the Orphans and Vulnerable Children living with HIV/AIDS and the Youths in Siaya County. In order to realize the above results through starting poultry farming in Kenya, the following main activities must be implemented:

  • Contract the services of a builder to construct standard poultry farming structures
  • Select and train OVC, especially those out of school to support the project.
  • Procure and rear chickens to lay eggs to be sold for consumption.
  • Continuously monitor and evaluate activities to ensure objectives are met.

If these activities are implemented, it will have a positive impact in the lives of the project beneficiaries. In the first place, the project will create employment for at least 50 Youths who are currently not engaged in any productive ventures or gainful employment. This employment will give them an alternative way to generate Income, decreasing their dependence on handouts and thereby decreasing their risks of transmitting and contracting HIV/AIDS, especially the girls. Secondly, commercial poultry farming in Kenya will provide BRIGHT HOPE FAITH BASED ORGANIZATION with a secure source of funding for its program activities, allowing it to continuously sustain 20% of its current activities.

Despite all the positive goals, BRIGHT HOPE FAITH BASED ORGANIZATION lacks the financial resources necessary to realize this project. The Organization seeks KSHS.3,658,284 to aid in the START-UP of this Income Generating Project.



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