I have been in farming for a period of time and having a half an acre I thought of the best crop I can farm instead of leaving it dormant and I came up with this ocra farming business. My farm is located at Murang’a county where we have pretty source of water and these is more advantage since most of challenges to farmers is the source of water. The main source of water is river Tana and this river never dries and this gives one anytime farming. I have a dormant land, pipes and pumping machine. I hope mavencore will help to achieve the dreams

Budget Breakdown (approx)

We can connect you with the project owner if you would like to fund this project directly

Problem Statement

Farming being the growing business in Kenya I have reasoned to venture in the farming of Ocra business. Ocra is mostly used in five-star restaurants and the market has increased and the prices are good. The fluctuation of prices ranges from 20 ksh to 80 ksh. These business is good to venture in and having graduated in IT I have done a lot of research in this venture. 

Project Viability

Ocra is one of the progressive business with big returns and most youths should venture. I have a ½ acre of land, pipes for pumping and a pump. The amount I require is the capital to farm. These business will have a chance to grow for more acres and create jobs to many youths. For example ½ an acre I will require 2 people to farm on my farm.

Ocra takes one month before first harvest and it goes for 2 months in harvest.
Also the farm will create indirect jobs for others like Boda bodas people who will be carrying the products to the destination of the buyers.

There are usually buyers who come to farming field to buy in bulks and takes them to Nairobi.

Harvesting Projection
½ acre will approx. Produce 400 kgs per week 
Giving minimum of cost of Ocra is 20 ksh per kg but sometimes it goes to 80 ksh
½ acre gives 8,000 ksh per week and in one month it will give 32,000 ksh. 
For continuos harvest in 2 months you will have 60,000 ksh approximately.

Having done project evaluation it will have a profit and this will makes suitable and favorable to start with and in case of future expansion It can gives big returns.

Future of the Project
Having researched well on this venture I have seen that the more you farm or the big land of Ocra farm you have the more you will be able to produce a lot of capital and hence create more jobs to individuals. If I get the returns I will give 20% of the returns to the MavenCORE and the remaining I will increase my land to an acre where by the end of the 2 years am targeting to have achieved 3 to 5 acres. And with MavenCORE help I think this will happen. 
Doing my calculation if the farm does as expected and putting all the requirements by the end of 3 months I can use the returns of that ½ an acre to farm for an acre and these will greatly increase my returns and by the end of the year I may be having 2 acres since the duration of the Ocra is 3 months and if you take a one month inter-crop after harvest of Ocra it will approximately gives you three seasons in year of farming Ocra in the same field. These will eventually increase labor need and indeed I will create more jobs approximately 100 people will be working on my farm.

The expense requirements are attached and one can determine the workability of this project.


Am planning on doing the business myself with two employees whom I may need them during weeding and during harvest. But pumping of water I will do it myself since am available. The cost I will receive will be mainly for farm expenses incurred for the period of three months until the then the crop will be cut to plant another one. 
Water is pumped once in a week for the first one month and after one month you pump twice to increase flowering and harvesting produce 

I hope MavenCORE will have a chance to assist me in achieving the sustainable development of people’s life and the region at whole. Thank you in advance.



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