In July 2019 my cousin went to Kenyatta national hospital for radiotherapy to manage cancer and she was booked next year 2020 in September.

Budget Breakdown (approx)

We can connect you with the project owner if you would like to fund this project directly

Problem Statement

My name is George from Siaya County. In July my cousin went to Kenyatta national hospital for radiotherapy to manage cancer and she was booked next year 2020 in September. The queue for the therapy is long and many people die even before they get treatment. The cancer menace is so huge that the top echelon of the government almost called it a National disaster. The cost of treatment is sky high and the whole of western part of Kenya don’t have a facility that is cheap and affordable for people whose income is less than a dollar to access Radiotherapy treatment. I see this as an opportunity to set up a facility that is cheap and affordable for patients whose income is less than a dollar a day. The facility will also reduce the time spent to travel to Nairobi and get no treatment after booking.

          I feel iam the right person to work out this project because; we’ve raised this issue with top government and they have failed us and can’t allow our people to perish yet help can be sought elsewhere. There is a number of specialists that i can contact for consultancy to help work out this issue for the community in my county.

          Chances of success are 99.9% because cancer patients are quite many and they need help if the facility is available. Will also engage the the best medical personnel with a track record of running a medical facility. Integrity will be the driving force to achieve success. I have the community support over this project.

Secondly, It will be the only facility in western Kenya that will offer affordable treatment for low income patients.

Project Details

          The project does not require any legal procedure to start. You only need to set up the facility to the required Standards. The authorities will come and inspect and once they are satisfied, you pay the licence and work begins.

          I need to buy land 2.5 acres and set up the facility wards, Radiotherapy room, kitchen, staff quarters etc.

          I need to buy linear accelerator model pct Siemens , 5 Laptop computer HP dual core, Cutleries, pens, files one Photocopier Kyocera, photocopy papers,40 beds, mattresses Bed sheets, cooking stove ,Brooms ,dust bins, Office chairs, Tables, Blankets, Wall clock, office pin, stamp pads, cupboards, Cancer drugs, Back up Generator220v Cummins,

          I need to hire experts on a permanent basis two Radiographer, two oncologist, health record officer, two Receptionist, three chefs, four cleaners,

four Nurses, four security guards.

The project is not running currently.

The project needs marketing for at least one month through print, audio visual and direct marketing. Awareness will catalyse patients to come huge numbers.

My target clients are patients whose economical background is low.

The value that this project will add include-

  • Zero expenditure on fare to Nairobi to seek treatment.
  • Affordability on Radiotherapy.
  • Serving more patients locally.

I will reach the clients and keep the clients through:

  • Quality services.
  • Low charges on treatment.
  • Discounting
  • Royalty rewards-pegged @ 10 points per visit and rewarded after five visitation .five % discount on the sixth visit.

My project i can define as a project for humanity, to save life and give hope to those who can’t afford to get it elsewhere where the costs are quite prohibitive. This project will contribute to reducing death rate especially in the rural areas where the effect and management is challenging.

          I will generate my income mainly from the charges that patients pay to the hospital.


The cost structure for the project is as follows:                             (Duration)

  1. Acquiring the land of 2.5 acres.—————–3 months
  2. Designing the buildings and landscape.——– 2 months
  3. Floating the Tender for buildings.—————- 1 month
  4. Construction of the hospital building.———- 6 months
  5. Floating of tender to buy, and install linear accelerator to the hospital.    ( 3months)
  6. Float the tender to supply Ward, office, kitchen equipment to the hospital. ( 1 month)
  7. Advertise positions (vacancies) on the local newspapers ( 1 month)

(Check the unit cost of each structure on the budget)[/sociallocker]


  • Kennedy

    Jessie thank you so much for voting for my project but many thanks to see your efforts in trying to bring a solution to the cancer patients.

  • Jessie

    This idea is key to everyone. This one should not be ignored bearing in mind the number of casualties we have everyday due to this deadly disease.

  • George

    Thanks Vincent, Kenya’s cancer level is going up and we must work out something

  • vincent

    Coming with such project will help many people to those who cannot afford cancer treatment.

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