I’m Leah from Nakuru and I want to be a professional freelance writer. I hope MavenCORE will give me grant to buy a computer so that i can work for international clients and also write proposals locally for people with ideas and projects.

Budget Breakdown (approx)

We have funded this computer purchase from the pool of funds that we collect. Leah has already bought the computer and stand. We wish her a great future as a freelance writer

Problem Statement

Currently it is important to have a reliable job whether you are a man or a woman. For me, finding a job with a reasonable income that would enable me to cater for my everyday expenses comfortably, has proven to be a hustle. Not to mention, a job that would provide me with enough time to juggle different tasks. With the aim of looking for a stable source of income, I have tried to engage myself in various job opportunities that have come my way like selling second hand clothes, which did not go as I expected. I have also tried employment but unfortunately, it has not been the best choice for me since it has been hard to get suitable employment. Others have been too limiting leaving no time for my daily activities.

This has gotten me searching for the various jobs available since giving up is not an option for me. Luckily, I got a chance to pursue writing as a career. This will not only allow me earn enough income, but also help me learn new things in the process. I have been writing for a while and I believe that it is necessary for me to involve and inform my fellow youths of such job opportunities. The fact that I have been out there struggling in looking for a job, has gotten me thinking of sharing the experience I have as a writer and how fortunate I am to have chosen freelance writing because I know the hardships that come along with a job hunt. Without doubt is a great opportunity of making money.

Project Details

desktop computer and stand
Illustration of a complete workstation with Desktop PC and stand

In order to succeed in my project, it would be crucial for me to own a desktop computer, a computer table stand, and Wi-Fi connectivity at home. Since this project is an individual one, it does not involve hiring any premises or experts to start operations. That makes it relatively easy to set up and keep it running.

I can confidently say that I will succeed in this since I have been writing for at least six months now. Apart from that, I have my own client’s that I write for on weekly basis. In addition, writing jobs are always available on freelance platforms both locally and internationally where many business and blog owners are always looking for writers to provide informative articles relating to what they engaged in. This provides an open opportunity for any writer with good writing skills to earn from writing high quality content.

Since there are many clients demanding written articles for their businesses, having a computer at my disposal, would help me to optimize my productivity since I can work longer hours. Moreover, I can earn extra income since I will be able to handle more work. Again, it would enhance my reliability because I will be able to finish my projects and submit them on time, which in return, will help me keep my customers.

Since we are facing a pressing problem of unemployment in our country, it is only right if we start exploring potential options to handle this grave issue and freelance writing is a great solution. Writing can have a great impact in trying to solve this problem. If I am funded and manage to make it in this project, it will serve as an assurance to those who aspire to become writers yet they have not taken the necessary steps to accomplish it.

For the youths and particularly those who have just finished schooling, with little persuasion and training they can opt to take freelance writing as a career. What’s more is that, the youths are strong and have minimal issues occupying and consuming their time, so they will be able to work for long hours. In addition, urging the youths to work can build up important skills like, self-reliance, constructive use of their time and in other cases the jobs might create lifelong careers for them which would end up to be beneficial in the future. Again, since there is little time left to waste, the level of drugs and alcohol abuse will gradually decrease. By considering writing to be an excellent career that people facing joblessness can venture into, we would not only solve the issue of unemployment but also have a remedy to eliminate the growth of crimes that steadily worsens due to the increase in idleness. 

Implementation Updates

Leah bought the personal computer within a day! She sent us these great photos and we are happy we choose to give her this grant


  • Stanley

    It’s a good venture Leah especially in various occasions like weddings and funeral eulogies where it’s like a must to have printed cards.

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