I have experience dealing with community based projects for improving livelihoods. I have also done some research on poultry farming and there is great potential to be exploited.

Budget Breakdown (approx)

We can connect you with the project owner if you would like to fund this project directly

Problem Statement

In Kenya 80% of population depends on Agriculture which provides employment as well as improvement in food security. By 2040 demand for animal protein will rise due to consumption patterns, over population and changing weather patterns mostly affecting food crops negatively.(FAO report 2009) Due to decreasing farm lands small stock production is the only future for farmers earnings through sale of its by- products which is meat, eggs, milk afew to mention.

Project Details

In Arid and Semi-Arid Regions poultry farming proves most effective due to huge pieces of land where they can be kept on free range left to scavenge on their own making their meat most nutritious and sweet due to consumption of worms and greens free from chemical contamination. Weather is conducive as warm temperatures does not allow diseases spreading at higher rate.

The proposed project entails establishment of poultry multiplication site where eggs will hatched using an incubator after 21days chicks will be transferred to a brooder for 1month to ease work for buyers/farmers. After one month a certain number will be sold and the rest remains in the site to grow until 5months when they reach laying stage which will be producing eggs for hatching and avoid cost of buying from untrustworthy sellers.

When farmers/ community buys these chicks and grow to about 5 months they will retain hens for multiplication in their farms and sell the corks which they will use the earnings to cater for their needs like paying school fees, hospital bills, construction of better houses among other needs. Some may buy, grow and sell everything to meat market and book more in the site. We will also look for market outlets for meat in big restaurants and road side grillers where we will also buy and sell on their behalf. The earnings accumulated from the business will pay back the amount borrowed and the profits will be used to expand the project and also start different unique project that will also transform community lives. To ensure accountability and transparency all payments will be channeled through bank account given to buyers. No cash will be handled or payed to the site.

A poultry farm house measuring 10ft by 60ft with brooder, feeders, drinkers, incubator, water tank, power back up will be established.

Project to be implemented and managed by Wachoro karaba community organization . Registered with government of Kenya, Registration no. DSS/HUD/436/2016.

Facebook Page – Wachoro Karaba community organization,

Physical address – Karaba in mbeere south in Embu County.



  • vincent

    This is a sustainable project will bring change to the community.

  • James

    Sustainable project if effectively adopted. I like it

    • Clement

      A very lucrative and profitable business with the right husbandry skills and managerial capabilities


    Good project, all the best

  • Samson

    Please I need your vote I have already done it to you support me with your likes and votes

  • John

    Please as I have voted go vote for my project of music financing by at least leaving a like on it

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