Am Donata Anyango with a vision to establish a scarlet magazine, a community publishing, and distribution company in Kisumu County. This will highlight relevant issues in different sectors.

Budget Breakdown (approx)

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Problem Statement

There are few reliable and standard community magazine publishing and distribution companies that focus on highlighting key topical issues affecting the community in the sectors of health, environment, agriculture, livelihood improvement; peace, and governance. Further, there are few magazine companies that focus on highlighting what the youth are doing to create employment with a view of inspiring other youth on the available self-employment opportunities at the community level to reduce the ever-rising rural to urban migration. There is also weak partnership and linkages with CSOs, corporates community magazines, and other key stakeholders that will enhance the utilization of evidence-based reports to highlight issues affecting the community in the key sectors.

Most corporates and CSOs rely on mainstream media, communication personnel, and social media pages to highlight issues. This approach although having been established to be effective has been noted not to be not efficient since most organizations spend a bigger percentage of their funds on programming activities while setting a little or no funds for publicity of their activities. Scarlet magazine, publishing, and distribution company intend to create a platform for corporates, CSOs and the community to highlight different issues on health, art among others. It will also cover entertainment, business, fashion and beauty to target varied community members.

The scarlet magazine has an effective and efficient team that will be involved in research and utilize its current community networks and online presence to increase its reach. As a magazine publisher, Scarlet hopes to successfully gain appreciable numbers of online subscriptions and adverts in order to manage and finance the magazine publishing company.

Photos About the Project
Business Advert

Project Details

Scarlet magazine, startup publishing company will target community members, and CSOs, government departments, corporate bodies, business entities, and celebrities. Scarlet is hopeful that MavenCORE will support it to acquire resources necessary to start the magazine company. The resources will be used for; printing, distribution, operational costs, purchase of laptops, a stipend for staff, administrative costs, and miscellaneous. The magazine will cover topical issues in health, agriculture, environment, livelihood, peace and governance, livelihood improvement among another sort effective and reliable advertisement of products will be done at a reduced cost that will be attractive to all entities that would wish to market their products, services, and activities they offer. Top stories affecting key sectors will be researched and editorial content will be shared with a view to advocating for development.

To reach out to different entities scarlet intends to send introductory letters alongside a copy of our magazine in bidding for advert contracts from the government and other cooperate organizations, advertise our business and magazine in relevant business TV stations, and radio station, listing our business cum magazine on yellow pages ads (local directories), attend relevant local and international expos, seminars, and business fairs.

Revenue will be generated by the creation of different subscription packages for different categories of clients in order to work with their budgets and still supply them with copies of our magazine. Scarlet will also leverage the internet to promote the sale and distribution of the magazine. Prices will conform to what is obtainable in the industry but will ensure that within the first 6 to 12 months our magazine is sold a little bit below the average prices of various magazine brands in Kenya. We have put in place business strategies that will help us run on a low-profit margin for a period of 6 months; it is a way of encouraging people to buy into our brand.

Once the business starts running we expect to incur costs on research, printing, distribution, the stipend for staff, and administrative amounting to Ksh.150,000 after every two months. Our expected profit margin from print, advertisement, and online is Ksh.250,000 after every 2 months.

The scarlet magazine is focused to provide solutions to the unmet needs in the media industry by the local community, local organizations, and both established and local corporates. It will seek to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, relevance, impact, and sustainability of topical issues covered in the magazine.

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  • liz

    This is a good proposal and it will be well documented ,as you target the society remember young women and girls to talk about health issues that are day to day factory.You can also make it more simple for easy understanding to all category of persons.
    All the best on this .

  • saraphina

    A great proposal. Am sure the project will incorporate young people and youths within Kisumu and lake region in fighting unemployment issues.

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