Problem Statement
The cost of construction is becoming expensive most people fear construct permanent houses by starting making bricks it will reduce the cost of construction .at my home place i have access to clay soils which is good in making bricks and provide employment opportunity for casual workers who will assist me in this job.
Budget Breakdown (approx)
Buying of soils for making bricks 200,000
Posts for making brick houses. sh.30,000
Poles sh.20,000
Nails sh.15,000
60 pcs iron sheets @800 sh.48,000
labor for construction sh.18,000
Transport cost of poles and posts sh.10,000
generator for pumping water from the near river and its pipes sh.50,000
firewood for burning bricks sh.100,000
Labor for making bricks sh.100,000
Labor cost for burning bricks sh.70,000
miscellaneous sh.50,000
total 711,000/-
Project Details
The project involves making of houses,making of bricks, spreading of bricks to dry and packing them together.i will involves use of family labor in spreading and arranging of bricks in the house.the project will generate 1,500,000-3,000,000 per year.
The project will be able to give comfortably 200,000-500,000 per year to MavenCORE
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