I’m William, a resident of Uasin Gishu County living in the outskirts of Eldoret town, I have a ready market for the supply of milk to the residents of Langas, Huruma, and Mwanzo estates which their demand for milk is overwhelming and needs to fill that gap
Budget Breakdown (approx)
We can connect you with the project owner if you would like to fund this project directly
Problem Statement
Dairy farming in Kenya is among the most respected professions and its and its major booster in the economy. Farmers who have indulged in it have a successful story o share and more so, their pockets are fuller with dairy farming profits.
Dairy farming in Kenya has so much impact on society as well as the country’s economy.
Remember that time dairy farmers went on strike and nationwide shortages of milk followed.
The needs of low-income earners with regard to borrowing have not been adequately addressed and therefore with MavenCORE in place we have something to smile on because I can be assisted get the funding to purchase cows that will boost my project and be an asset to others.
Thus there is an urgent need for alternative financing because the banks in Kenya give loans that are very expensive and not all the citizens can afford it.
To address the issue of access to these expensive loans by banks I opted for the grants which can assist and even make me an investor to help others who are in need of this help.
Besides milk is a basic human need that helps ensure personal health and get rid of kwashiorkor in children with a very high value of calcium.
So, in this case, it serves both as an investment and foodstuffs.
I have a passion for dairy farming and the cows for milk are my favorite and especially the Friesian which produce more milk.
The country was brought to its knees as Kenyans were left struggling with other alternative sources.
This is a clear indication of how important this sector is in our economy.
The Kenyans dairy industry is dynamic and plays a crucial role in the lives of farmers, processors, and consumers. Many families depend on the farming system as a source of income and livelihood.
It has been in Kenya for many years and it’s not going anywhere soon.
As a resident of Uasin Gishu County living in the outskirts of Eldoret town, I have a ready market for the supply of milk to the residents of Langas, Huruma, and Mwanzo estates which their demand for milk is overwhelming and needs to fill that gap.
Dairy farming has over the years undergone tremendous challenges especially in the fields of automation technology to help in scaling up for effective milk production due to the high demand for milk products.
The rise of technological advancements in the field of animal breeding, supplements and nutrition, cow’s health and diversification of markets has turned it into a successful venture in Kenya.
Milk is highly perishable and this is a major problem dairy farming faces. It requires quick and reliable marketing to which I don’t have any problem with that if the project is funded because of its viability.
Again there is a ready market that with the assistance of the dairy board of Kenya and the Kenya cooperative creameries is a vibrant market though their prices are very low.
Dairy farming has led to the employment of many Kenyans in the chain from the farmers to the processing plants. Many Kenyans are working at the milk processing plants and the related dairy industry.
I had passion in this field and thus I started practicing dairy farming in 2016 with one dairy cow but and though I had a lot of challenges that led to that cow dying however that did not kill the passion I had in keeping dairy cows and that’s why up to now I have managed to raise 3 dairy cows and there is need to increase the number to 8 by seeking to be funded to make it 8 in total. I would like to make and expand my operations on my dairy farm.

Project Details
Milk is a basic requirement in the human body because of the protein provision to the human body.
The only challenge of milk is its perishable nature, however, through the technological advancement, there are cooling plants that can even accommodate milk for individual farmers and in my case, there is a cooling plant at a distance of 2 km away though it is not necessary due to the nearness of the market.
The project with only 8 dairy cows and 5 on milk, producing 20 liters by 5 will give me 100 liters per day.
The cows that I am going to buy is of high quality and thus will produce a lot of milk and meet my target of getting 100 liters of milk.
So 100 liters by 50 shillings gives us 5000/= per day.
Therefore 5000/= by 30 days will give us 150000/= per month.
In this case, 150000/= per month for 10 months will us 1500000/= in 10 months which is a good profit margin.
My farm is in a good location due to its nearness to the main road.
Alternatively, the land can produce hay or other animals feeds the expected hay by year is about 5000 bales of hay.
Apart from the main source of milk the dung from the same cows is a source of manure and this is used to enhance soil fertility.
The project can inject Ksh 500000/= back to the Maven CORE platform every year.
The cost structure of the project:
Cow shade – 236800/=
Cost of 5 dairy cows- 400000/=
Employees – 150000/=
Machinery- 300000/=
Land for hire- 120000/=
Feeds -80 bales of silage- 480000
TOTAL 1686800
I have about 5 years of experience in this field and therefore I will not fear any challenges that come with this project.
The Green valley dairies will be one of the modern dairies in my county and this will attract quite a number of customers.
To safeguard my investment I will insure my cows in case of any eventuality.
With the funding, I will also buy machinery that helps to make the work easier and the case of milk, the milking machine will assist get clean and quality milk always.
The project as it is if funded will cater to all the needs of the farm for up to 5 months and the income will be saved for future use and the profit can be of benefit to those in need of assistance.
The surplus dung can be sold to those doing horticultural farming at a cost and that’s an income.
The demand for milk is increasing with the increase of the population and the growth of institutions around the town.
The success of the project will depend on many reasons 1) Taking cover to the cows i.e. insurance cover. 2) Stocking enough feeds for the animals. 3) Hiring Land for planting forage. 4) The availability of a ready market for milk. 5) Quality and clean milk in which customers love it.6) The milking machines which make milk clean and of good quality.
The revenue generated from the milk sales will be very high and thus breakeven.
One experience that led my cow to die has been a lesson to me and right now I will take all the precautions to safeguard my project and succeed in the project.
Funding for this project will see me in a better state within the next 1 year or so.
There is, therefore, a gap to be filled in the market demand of milk in my locality and I am ready to bridge the gap.
The salaries paid to the expert and the labor force are commensurate and will make them give services to the project and thus be productive.
Hence, the primary factors that influence success in dairy farming are in the control of the farmers and they include his dairy production and management skills as well as those of his workforce.
All these should be concerned with a continuous focus on the cost price reduction and increase productivity as opposed to dependency and lobbying just to set higher prices of milk products in the country’s dairy industry.
The essential factors for a fertile healthy and highly productive dairy herd are proper all-year-round feeding regimes as unlimited access of your cows to clean water.
Additionally, this implies investment in fodder production within the farm, efficient preservation, and relevant farm equipment such as the chaff cutter.
With the above in place, the investment on dairy farming as I set to going Dairy on full time if funded will see me achieve my dream of keeping up to 50 Pedigree Dairy cows that will produce 3000 liters of milk per day and the market in place will fetch a profit of up to 2.5 million which net less expenses.
Through the experience and the training I have attended in the last 7 years, I have the capability to venture into this business enterprise with minimal challenges.
Thank you, Mr. Joab, for seeing the potential of this project.
This is surely a lucrative business but let us all support Mr. William. voting for him is a best way to support our farmer.